pork barrel
- n.分肥项目,分肥拨款(议员等为争取选票而促使政府拨款给所属地区的发展项目)

pork barrel
N-SING 分肥拨款(指为赢得当地选民的选票而在地方工程上花费的大笔政府拨款)
If you say that someone is using pork barrel politics, you mean that they are spending a lot of government money on a local project in order to win the votes of the people who live in that area.Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.
Christie has called on Paul to cut pork barrel spending in Kentucky .
Many refuse to accept Federal pork barrel dollars devoted to convincing them to convert to other crops .
We have successfully argued for EU research money only to flow to where the best science is done , regardless of geography or pork barrel pressures .
If the tobacco settlement is any guide , that will not stop states trying to raid the escrow fund – BP 's initial payouts to Alabama , Florida and Mississippi already have a pork barrel flavour to them .